Getting to know Komárno

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1 Gen. Klapka Square

Read in: SlovenčinaMagyar Gen. Klapka Square presents its dominant feature – the statue of György Klapka, a representative of the Hungarian Revolution in 1848-49. In 1849 general Klapka was in command of defence of Komárno…

2 Anglia Park

Read in: SlovenčinaMagyar Anglia Park served as a place for relaxation and entertainment for the citizens of Komárno and its numerous military garrison during the 19th century. A band-stand, which once stood here, witnessed concerts…

3 New Fortress

Read in: SlovenčinaMagyar The New Fortress is a part of the Komárno fortress system, the largest fortification of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The construction of the oldest part of the Old Fortress goes back to the…

4 Officer’s Pavilion

Read in: SlovenčinaMagyar Officer’s Pavilion (built during the reign of Francis Joseph I in 1863) bears his personal motto on the main façade: VIRIBVS VNITIS („By united strengths”). Originally, the pavilion offered accommodation to the Empire…

5 St. Andrew’s Church

Read in: SlovenčinaMagyar The construction of St. Andrew’s Church took place from 1723 to 1763. Construction bricks from a demolished fortress in the town of Nové Zámky were also used. In 1763 an earthquake turned…

6 Park of Franz Lehár

Read in: SlovenčinaMagyar     The Park of Franz Lehár (1870-1948) is where the parental home of this worldwide known operetta composer once stood. Lehár’s most famous operettas include „The Merry Widow”. Opposite the Park of Franz…

7 Elisabeth’s Bridge

Read in: SlovenčinaMagyar An opening bridge with a view of the harbor and shipyard takes you to the start of Elisabeth’s bridge. The shipyard was established at the end of the 19th century and it was…

8 Park of M. R. Štefánik

Read in: SlovenčinaMagyar In the Park of M. R. Štefánik, in addition to Štefánik’s bronze statue or sailor’s statue, there is a memorial of those who had been displaced by force or deported. It reminds us…

9 The Trinity Pole

Read in: SlovenčinaMagyar In 1715, The Sculpture of the Most Holy Trinity (the Trinity Pole) was built as a reminder of the plague epidemics and the end of the Kuruck wars from 1710-11. The Pole…

10 Courtyard of Europe

Read in: SlovenčinaMagyar The construction of the Courtyard of Europe began in 1999; however, the courtyard is incomplete. Besides containing buildings inspired by European countries and regions, the courtyard is interesting for it’s statues of rulers…

Getting to know Komárno on Google Maps Engine Lite

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The project Getting to know Komárno is an informal citizens’ initiative of Mr. Miroslav Lopata, Ms. Katarína Plavcová and Mr. Miroslav Švec supported by GLS WEB Design, s.r.o.